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I arrived in Milan for my experience with Dior Make-Up!I chose a comfortableΒ "ANIMALIER"Β outfit,What do you think?I will publish, asΒ soon as possible, all the event photos..!In the Meantime I put on the blog a Dior Make-Up Preview;-)---------------------------Β Appena arrivata a Milano per vivere un'incredibile esperienza Dior Make-Up...

Yes We Can ! ;-)I'll see you tomorrow in Milan for the Dior experience "The New Nude" at the Pop-up Mazzolari!Wow!Β I want to share with you this wonderful experience!Happy Sunday To EveryoneKissesΒ -----------------------------Eccomi qui !Allora ci vediamo domani a Milano per l'esperienza Dior "The New Nude"al...

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