Seguimi Su

You are used to seeing me dressed!But this time wearing only my underwear favorite: "Intimissimi".Like all fashion bloggers wearing clothes, shoes and accessories, but under every outfit is underwear, in addition to being sexy and comfortable to be with us for the whole day.The underwear...

Beautiful sunny day in Siena where I live!Ready to start I decided to wear the new Blazer Massimo Dutti bought the other day in Strore of Florence;to travel I prefer to be comfortable and I decided to dress comfortable because the weather is constantly changing...

Hello to everyone!Yesterday was an exciting day, to read a newspaper article on  "The Nation" that concerns me (CLICK HERE), was a great satisfaction for me.For this reason I want to thank Mary for the fantastic article,was my first telephone interview.Another amazing experience that I...

Everybody knows I love sushi ..!And I really fancied some. So I got in my Fiat 500 with my closet friends Laura, Angela and Melinda and we drove to Poggibonsi to have a...

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