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In assoluto l'unico trattamento labbra nutriente efficace che in pochi giorni abbia realmente ammorbidito e riparato le mie labbra (a causa della gravidanza sono aumentate, di conseguenza si sono screpolate più facilmente) ho provato di tutto ed i trattamenti che solitamente risolvevano le piccole screpolature...

Hi girls, these are the essential accessories when I travel,shoes, sunglasses, bag, luggage and of course my favorite cosmetics,few things are essential,see you laterI'm waiting on air at 17:today at 17 (sorry due to a technical problem Tuesday I did not do the live broadcast)I'm...

Like every Tuesday at 17 I'm guest at Manuela Battaglia in "Ingresso Libero" on Radio Siena for the usual appointment with the fashion and beauty;To listen to the live at 17,CLICK HERE.What do you think of this look inspired by the '60s / '70s, of...

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