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On Air – Radio Siena at 17

Hi Girls
I’m waiting on air at 17:
today at 17

I’m guest at Manuela Battaglia in “Ingresso Libero” on Radio Siena for the usualΒ 
appointment with the fashion and beauty;Β 


Ciao ragazze,
sono appena tornata da Firenze, dove si sta svolgendo il Pitti Immagine Uomo,
vi aspetto fra poco ON AIR su Radio Siena,
Β conΒ Manuela BattagliaΒ all’interno di “Ingresso Libero”Β per il consueto appuntamento con la moda e il beauty.
  • Jexika Lyter
    Posted at 16:29h, 08 Gennaio

    wow *_*

  • Bhushavali - Indian Fashion n Travel Blogger!
    Posted at 16:56h, 08 Gennaio

    Love the headgear you’re wearing. The necklace is gorgeous too!
    Thanks for visiting my blog dear. Do follow too by GFC, FB etc if you like! πŸ™‚

  • Janice Lunes
    Posted at 13:21h, 09 Gennaio

    Great Post!

    Gorgeous pictures and I love that warm hat I would wear it for sure hahah πŸ™‚ whatever keeps me warm is my friend πŸ™‚

    P.S Just wanted to remind you that my giveaway is still open until the 14th for everyone to join !
    You can only say YES to this amazing Frenchonista Clutch worth $150 !!

